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It’s now been two years since COVID-19 first appeared and radically changed the ways in which we all we work and live. Being just months away from the first Federal Election since the pandemic began, these two topics – the 2022 Federal Election alongside COVID-19 and its long-term impacts – are the two most current and relevant trends affecting the community services sector.

Stepping away from the dominant issues making the headlines at the moment, this year’s forum will also include an important discussion on heatwaves after a summer that saw heat records tumble in WA, and youth justice, an issue that has made national news over the last twelve months. Both of these issues will have a focus on lived experience.

This year’s Emerging Issues Forum will focus on the following key issues with speakers to be confirmed closer to the date:

  • The Long-term impacts of COVID-19 – We are all going to have to learn to live and work with COVID-19 over the coming years; join us for a discussion on the implications of that reality.
  • The 2022 Federal Election – Mostly likely to be held in May, the Emerging Issues Forum is the perfect opportunity to discuss the election agenda of relevance to the sector, to look at offerings of the various major and minor parties, as well as independents. We will also look at some likely election outcome scenarios to consider who makes up the government and who may be key points for influence, what policies might be up for reform, and what approach should we take in our advocacy post-election.
  • Heatwaves – This summer WA has experienced the highest number of days over 40 degrees and the most consecutive days over 35 degrees in recorded history, this will have an enormous impact on the health and wellbeing of all Western Australians and particularly impact on energy bills for low and middle income households. How should we be responding to frequent heat waves and the impacts of climate change?
  • Youth Justice – This year will be a critical time for youth justice reform in WA. The campaign to Raise the Age is gaining momentum and national attention, recent crime responses and ongoing & emerging issues highlight the urgent need for policy reform.

This is a free event for members, but is open for anyone to join. This year WACOSS will be hosting the event entirely online via zoom due to the potential for COVID-19 restrictions to still be in place. Details on how to join the zoom call will be made available to all who register closer to the date.

For non-members who wish to attend there will be a cost of $40per person. Become a WACOSS member for as little as $15 per year and get access to critical sector events and news.