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WACOSS will offer a detailed analysis on how the State Budget (which is being handed down on 9 May 2019) will impact the community services sector in Western Australia at 2:00pm, Friday 10 May 2019.

This year, we are again collaborating with other WA peak bodies, who will take part in a panel conversation to give an overview from their respective portfolio areas.

This event will be critical for understanding the budget, and the Government’s social policy priorities.

In addition to the state budget analysis, the presenters will look at the intersectionality of the recently released federal budget, with the state budget, as we edge ever closer to a federal election.

This event will be followed by drinks, nibbles and networking.

To view and download WACOSS’s State Budget briefing from previous years, click here.

You may also wish to look back at the recommendations outlined in the WACOSS Budget Submission, Vision 2020, launched in October 2018.