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In March, we made the decision to reschedule the WACOSS Conference to a date later in the year, due to the then-emerging COVID-19 crisis. Since then, it has become clear that it is too early to reliably gauge what will be possible across coming months in these still-evolving circumstances.

We want to give our members, supporters, and stakeholders every opportunity to be part of this event, so we have made the decision to move the conference to early 2021.

The WACOSS Conference will now be held Monday 22 February – Wednesday 24 February 2021.

The possibility of ongoing restrictions is not all that has led us to make this decision. It is also because we are aware that, as both sector and community, we are still responding, and will be doing so for some time yet. We hope that in February 2021, we will all be in a better position to reflect on the crisis, evaluate our new circumstances, and have the most useful conversations about how we best build our new ways forward together.

The conference theme of Finding Ground will be maintained in 2021, but re-cast onto a post-crisis landscape with a recovery focus in the theme’s by-line, which will become Building a better way back together.

Beyond this framework, WACOSS wants to ensure the theme has the greatest relevance and flexibility for the circumstances it takes place in. They will be having critical conversations and undertake further planning over coming months, and will announce the extended theme for Finding Ground: Building a better way back together in August 2020.

Until then, we thank you for your ongoing patience and support in working to build a better way back together.

Visit www.wacossconference.org.au for more information.