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The 2023 WACOSS Conference comes at an important, historic moment, as we tackle the big issues of our time, implement the Uluru Statement, and demonstrate the collective power of community.
Resilient, Strong and Brave: Collective Power of Community, underpins how we lived through challenging times, coming together in the face of pandemics and disasters to find local and joined-up solutions.
In the face of new challenges, now is the time for us to be strong, brave, to grow our resilient, and to assert our collective power.
The conference will explore the emergent and timely themes of:
  • Gender Equality and the Value of Caring
  • Community Resilience, Preparedness and Wellbeing
  • The Power of Advocacy
The Conference takes place over two days, 1-2 May 2023, in Boorloo (Perth) and will be followed by an interactive half-day workshop on 3 May 2023. More details about day three will be confirmed shortly.
Major supporters include Lotterywest, the Department of Communities, and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
In partnership with the Department of Communities, and supported by Lotterywest, the Community Service Excellence Awards coincide with the Conference and will take place in the evening of Monday 1 May 2023.
The WACOSS Conference is the largest gathering of the community services sector in WA, and is an opportunity to come together as a sector, learn and develop new skills, reconnect and build new networks, and create collaborations.
Registration, coffee and networking starts at 8:00am. Conference program commences at 9:00am.